Goblins of myth deserve to be fun again! Try out these stories and Make Your Adventures Great Again (MYAGA).
Goblins of myth deserve to be fun again! Try out these stories and Make Your Adventures Great Again (MYAGA).
Seven Tricks To Make Magical Items Rock Your World Player 1: "You say we Detect Magic within the chest - did the rogue check for traps? If so... we open the lid, why not?" Dungeon Master: "It turns out you did disarm all the traps and there is a magic item inside. Well done. The […]
A 'common' hedge wizard - within the Rules As Written. TL;DR: using feats to build lesser casters as well as 'simple' enchanters of common & uncommon magic items. About half a century ago Gary Gygax said heroic classes were about 1% of the general populace. Of these heroes, casters were rare. Getting the help of […]
Handling 'life-long' contracts in-game. The other day my player character asked: 'what does my patron want?' - i had to admit, it was a good question. This triggered a cascade of yet other very valuable queries: What 'payment' does it / he / she get in return for giving a mortal heroic superpowers? How often […]
The point of heroic fantasy gaming is to have or do stuff you cannot do in ‘real’ life - this includes being rich. Would you like to be rich for a while? Really? What would you buy? Well my friend, D&D is your chance! You already figured out you can ‘pimp out’ your character. Good […]
The Problem: Most powerful casters (& their friends) are effectively 'Immortal' Say you are a clever DM. You discover that nearly any mage (or bard) gets Clone spell: not only do they re-gain their youth with each casting but now they can carefully place at least one (if not thousands) of long-term insurance-policy bodies. Such […]
The Little Plant That Could The Adorable & Faithful Awakened Shrub & Humble Beginnings These shrubs may be more clever than most - but they have the land speed of a gnome, no ability stat above 11 (average of 8!), and only one language (yes, it does talk) - there is little to say about […]
"Mirror mirror, on the wall - who shall live and who shall fall?" Greek mythology is not always kind. If you look up the story behind Medusa, Stheno, and Euryale and what Poseidon does to them in a sacred temple - and then what their goddess does to them as a 'reward' - you should be upset. […]
That One Spell That Keeps Your Story Alive. Your average dungeon-grind: player's characters discover-hunt the Big Bad - they go to ground, a set of rooms within a building &/or dungeon. Players slaughter minions, super-minions, semi-bosses and finally they get to the key figure - usually in that order. Then these characters slaughter this big […]
Working With Alignments In A Game-Story It is almost impossible to imagine a story without some kind of unifying objective. In most stories this is easily accomplished with a Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG). Even if your Big Bad isn't a person &/or creature, one still demands a replacement Thoroughly Nasty Thingy as the main […]